
mengs@hunau.edu.cn; mengshuan1987@126.com







  利用分子遗传学、作物生理学和作物栽培学等手段鉴定水稻氮素营养和重金属元素转运、分配的关键调控因子,解析氮素营养调控水稻产量、品质和逆境适应的机理及其应用途径。主持和承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划任务、湖南省自然科学基金和湖南省教育厅科学基金等科研项目,第一或通讯作者论文(含共同)发表在Molecular Plant、Rice和FES等期刊。
1.孟栓 主持,水稻木质部氨基酸长途转运的遗传调控和利用,2022JJ30284,湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2022-01至2024-12;
2.孟栓 联合申请,水稻镉低积累的调控基因挖掘、功能解析及利用,U20A2024,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,2021-01至2024-12;
3.孟栓 主持,OsAAP8调控水稻氮素营养利用的生理和分子机制,31900219,国家自然科学基金,2020-01至2022-12;
4.孟栓 主持,氮素定向转运调控水稻产量的机制及其在水稻栽培生产中的应用研究,19B273,湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,2020-01至2022-12;
5.孟栓 主持,水稻氮素长途转运途径解析、定向调控及应用研究,SYL2019009,“双一流”学科建设项目,2019-09至2021-08;
6.孟栓 主持,OsAAT15调控水稻氨基酸分配利用的机理研究,YXQN2018-5,作物学科优秀人才基金-优秀青年项目,2019-01至2020-12;
1.Zhang, Pei-Hong#; Zhang, Xue-Jie#; Tang, Ting-Wei#; Hu, Heng-Liang; Bai, Ning-Ning; Zhang, Da-Wei; Meng, Shuan*; Peng, Jia-Shi*. Isolation of Three Metallothionein Genes and Their Roles in Mediating Cadmium Resistance. Agronomy, 2022, 12(12): 2971.
2.Han, Tian-Long#; Tang, Ting-Wei#; Zhang, Pei-Hong; Liu, Min; Zhao, Jing; Peng, Jia-Shi*; Meng, Shuan*. Cloning and Functional Characterization of SpZIP2. Genes, 2022, 13(12): 2395.
3.Peng, Yaqiong#; Chen, Yinke#; Yuan, Youming#; Liu, Bohan; Yu, Peng; Song, Shihao; Yi, Yake; Teng, Zhenning; Yi, Zhenxie; Zhang, Jianhua; Meng, Shuan*; Ye, Nenghui*; Duan, Meijuan*. Post-anthesis saline-alkali stress inhibits grain filling by promoting ethylene production and signal transduction. Food and Energy Security. 2022, 11(3): e384.
4.Peng JiaShi*; GuanYuHao; Lin XianJing; Xu XiaoJing; Xiao Lu; Wang Hai-Hua; Meng Shuan*. Comparative understanding of metal hyperaccumulation in plants: a mini-review. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2021, 43(4): 1599-1607.
5.谢君#; 徐智军#; 蔺金红; 曾庆平; 赵静*; 刘伯涵; 叶能辉; 孟栓*. 水稻OsANT亚家族成员的结构、表达特征及其对逆境胁迫的响应. 植物生理学报, 2021, 57(6): 1199-1210.
6.徐智军; 蔺金红; 谢君; 赵静*; 孟栓*; 水稻木质部中游离氨基酸的转运对外界氮素水平的响应. 分子植物育种. 2021, 19(10): 3281-3289.
7.Wang, Guanqun#; Li, Haoxuan#; Meng, Shuan; Yang, Jianchang; Ye, Nenghui*; Zhang, Jianhua*. Analysis of global methylome and gene expression during carbon reserve mobilization in stems under soil drying. Plant physiology. 2020, 183(4): 1809-1824.
8.Lin Jinhong#; Xu Zhijun#; Peng Jiashi#; Zhao Jing; Zhang Guobin ; Xie Jun; Yi Zhenxie; Zhang Jianhua; Gong Jiming; Ye Nenghui*; Meng Shuan*. OsProT1 and OsProT3 function to mediate proline- and γ-aminobutyric acid-specific transport in yeast and are differentially expressed in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice. 2019, 12(1): 79.
9.Zhang Guobin#; Meng Shuan#; Gong Jiming*. The expected and unexpected roles of nitrate transporters in plant abiotic stress resistance and their regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19(11): 3535.
10.Peng Jiashi; Ding Ge; Meng Shuan; Yi Hongying; Gong Jiming*. Enhanced metal tolerance correlates with heterotypic variation in SpMTL, a metallothionein-like protein from the hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Plant Cell and Environment. 2017, 40(8): 1368-1378.
11.Zhang, Zhisheng;Li, Xiangyang;Cui, Lili;Meng, Shuan;Ye, Nenghui;Peng, Xinxiang*. Catalytic and functional aspects of different isozymes of glycolate oxidase in rice. BMC Plant Biology. 2017, 17(1):135.
12.Meng, Shuan; Peng, Jiashi; He, Yani; Zhang, Guobin; Yi, Hongying; Fu, Yanlei;Gong, Jiming*. Arabidopsis NRT1.5 mediates the suppression of nitrate starvation-induced leaf senescence by modulating foliar potassium level. Molecular Plant. 2016, 9(3): 461-470.
1.叶能辉;滕振宁;陈沫先;孟栓;张智胜,鉴定和改进水稻种子萌发耐涝性的方法,发明专利,授权, 2018-02-01, 中国, ZL201810103823.5